Wednesday, March 14, 2012

All You Magazine........

I love the All You Magazine. Once I finally found it! =)  Awhile back some coupons were out for it and I searched our Walmart every time we went in and couldn't find one =/  Finally the coupons expired =(  We went to Walmart and look what was there All You magazines! Love the coupons and recipes. 

 I just ordered it delievered to our house for $12 for the year!! I was so excited because you know the coupons will make up that price easily! And it's exciting thinking about all the new recipes too! =)

I'm not sure how long it will be around but here is where I ordered mine! All You Subscription  I'm so excited now I don't have to worry about if the store has it or not! Yay!! =)

Poor coupon blog.......

I have this poor neglected coupon blog.  I started it before our Facebook page.  But for some reason I forget to use the poor blog =/  I will have to remember to use it more but the same with our poor jewelry blog too it's been sitting neglected too =/ 

I'm amazed at some of the big bloggers fan base!  Not envious at all. I can't imagine even trying to keep up with all that! =)  I want to help others by giving the coupons I don't use, as it is the postage gets a bit expensive.  =/  But it's fun and nice to be able to send to others.  I'm discovering that there are places to trade them too! =) 

A picture of our shopping trip last night.  1 little stop at CVS(had to pick up my moms medication anyway), then Safeway and a small stop at Frys'.  And all these stores are right around us I'm not traveling all over the countryside to get the deals! =)

Not the best buys but not the worst either! =) 3 stores (Safeway, CVS and Fry's) Total OOP $31.49 total saved $48.33 =) saved more than we spent which is always a good thing! =) I also seen a mother in the store trying to match cereal with coupons, had 2 of the $4 off 4 coupons so I gave her one =) I didn't really need 8 cereals! =)

I'll try to get in the habit of using our blog more! =)  Need to get back into the jewelry too!  =) 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Learning curve.......

There is so much to learning to coupon!  Sometimes I think I finally have it then something makes me say hmm nope still need to work on it! =)

I've made some decent shopping trips off and on.  I LOVE CVS for couponing I do fairly well shopping there!  Target is pretty good for some things as well.

I can say I'm so thankful for finally getting it to a certain degree though as the gas goes up every little bit saved helps!.

My biggest tip as I go is to Work with one store first!  Get to know how it works fairly well then you won't feel overwhelmed!  Walgreens still somewhat confuses me it's not as easy for me as CVS yet I know some love Walgreens more!  I do venture there from time to time.......

We continue to try to pay it forward by passing on coupons we don't use or won't use. On occasion a sale pops up that I wish I had kept a coupon for but for the most part the ones I pass on are ones we don't really use but someone else may.  And IF they don't then hopefully they pass it on to someone else that may use it.  Or like I've started doing and I've found a few the same way leave them by the product in the grocery store! =)